Chemistry 9701/12 Oct Nov 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Empirical formula calculation from mass percentage composition and determination of molecular formulas.
2. Understanding of various chemical concepts such as ionization energy, reaction pathways, and bond energies with calculations.
3. Predicting oxidation states and bond fission processes, such as in halogenation and redox reactions.
4. Interpreting results from experimental setups, such as pH measurements and reaction rates, with calculations for substances like acid solutions and buffer systems.
5. Using the concept of reaction order and catalysts to explain changes in chemical reactions, such as those involving NO and NO2.
6. Understanding solubility trends and thermal stability, especially in Group 2 compounds and their reaction with acids.
7. Reactions involving transition metal complexes, including determining oxidation states, bond angles, and the effect of ligands on stability.
8. Application of NMR and mass spectroscopy for the identification of organic compounds.
9. Detailed understanding of the reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds, including functional groups and isomerism.
10. Electrochemical concepts, including electrode potentials, ionization processes, and their implications for reaction spontaneity.

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