Chemistry 9701/22 Oct Nov 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Hydrogen iodide formation, boiling point trends in halides, enthalpy change of formation, equilibrium constant (Kp) calculations, redox reactions involving HI and oxygen, and product distributions in hydroiodic acid reactions with alkenes.
2. Periodic table trends in ionization energy, bonding types, oxidation numbers, and melting points of elements; indium and aluminum oxide amphoterism, and bond structures in In2Br6.
3. Structural isomers of hydrocarbons (C6H12), hybridization of carbons in double bonds, reaction conditions for transformations, detection using IR spectroscopy, and reactions involving organic intermediates like V and W.
4. Mechanisms of organic reactions including dehydration and polymerization, optical isomerism in intermediates, and structural analysis of polymers and carbon frameworks.
5. Conceptual explanation of oxidation, reduction, and equilibrium reactions using experimental parameters and molecular transformations for practical analysis.
6. Application of spectroscopy and chemical testing to determine functional group transformations, emphasizing trends, molecular interactions, and reaction mechanisms.

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