Chemistry 9701/34 Oct Nov 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Thiosulfate ion concentration effects on reaction rate; sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid reaction dynamics; reaction time measurement; relationship analysis between reaction rate and ion concentration.
2. Copper(II) sulfate concentration determination using zinc reaction; heat energy calculation based on temperature rise; molar enthalpy change analysis; error percentage evaluation for temperature measurements.
3. Qualitative identification of cations and anions; reaction observations with sodium hydroxide, silver nitrate, and sulfuric acid; solubility behavior of precipitates; differentiation between sulfate and sulfite ions.
4. Precipitate and gas analysis using qualitative reagents; systematic identification of unknown ions; reaction type determination in thermal decomposition tests.
5. Graphical representation of reaction rate against reactant concentration; interpretation of anomalous points; effect of reagent excess on reaction outcome; methodological improvements to minimize experimental errors.
6. Practical application of stoichiometry, reaction kinetics, calorimetry, qualitative testing, and systematic analysis of chemical reactions for advanced practical chemistry experiments.

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