Chemistry 9701/36 Oct Nov 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Determining the formula of hydrated sodium carbonate by reacting it with acid, diluting the product, and performing a titration with sodium hydroxide.
2. Step-by-step procedure for the titration experiment to find the moles of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, and the corresponding calculations for sodium carbonate.
3. Method to determine the maximum error in balance readings and the impact of using larger amounts of FB 1 on the titration volume.
4. Explanation of how the volume of sodium hydroxide and the mass of sodium carbonate are related to the experimental procedure.
5. Use of thermal decomposition to determine the formula of hydrated sodium carbonate and calculation of the number of moles of water in the compound.
6. Suggestions for improving accuracy and minimizing errors in the method for determining the formula of hydrated sodium carbonate.
7. Qualitative analysis of unknown anions and cations in samples through systematic tests and reactions.

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