Economics 9708/13 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Defining economic growth and examining factors that contributed to India's decreasing growth, such as fuel shortages and poor infrastructure.
2. Evaluating the effects of reduced tax rates on economic growth through supply-side policies, with analysis on government revenue and labor supply.
3. Analyzing the impact of Brazil's currency depreciation and Mexico's economic reforms between 2003 and 2013.
4. Discussing the government's approach to Coal India and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of their policies for businesses and economic growth.
5. Exploring the importance of price elasticity of demand in policymaking, with a focus on taxes and subsidies for various goods.
6. Examining the role of marginal cost and marginal utility in determining consumer and producer equilibrium, and assessing how these factors affect market behavior.
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