Economics 9708/41 May June 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
The user can download the PDF file for detailed review. Key questions summarized:
1. Examination of economies of scale and their impact on price, output, and market structure in the case of a large supermarket chain.
2. Analysis of monopsony power and its implications for suppliers, consumers, and market efficiency, using the supermarket industry as a case study.
3. Discussion on the role of large businesses in economic growth versus their social and market consequences, including wage disparities and job creation.
4. Evaluation of resource allocation efficiency in market versus non-market systems, focusing on conservation, waste prevention, and externalities.
5. Investigation of consumer behavior influenced by advertising, impulse buying, and utility theory, assessing its relevance for revenue predictions.
6. Comparison of macroeconomic strategies to manage unemployment, inflation, and fiscal sustainability, exploring conflicts between policy aims.

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