Economics 9708/22 May June 2015 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Comparing Brazil's and Mexico's economic experiences between 2003 and 2013 using production possibility curves and currency value trends.
2. Explaining currency depreciation for the Brazilian Real and stability for the Mexican Peso, analyzing reasons and their relationship with economic changes.
3. Evaluating government approaches in Brazil and Mexico during the past decade and their potential to foster economic expansion.
4. Identifying further information needed to assess future economic prospects for Brazil and Mexico, including trade, investment, and fiscal policies.
5. Exploring income elasticity of demand, distinguishing inferior goods, and discussing elasticity's relevance for government policy formulation.
6. Comparing merit and public goods, their supply challenges, and the effectiveness of policies to address merit goods' undersupply in free markets.
7. Examining the impact of declining exchange rates and high inflation on an economy's terms of trade and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of changes in terms of trade.

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