Economics 9708/22 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Analysis of Turkey’s current account changes between 2012 and 2013, highlighting trade deficits and components like exports, imports, and services.
2. Use of production possibility curve diagrams to represent the intended outcomes of Turkey’s structural reforms to enhance potential economic growth.
3. Demand and supply diagram application to illustrate how rising US interest rates lead to an appreciation of the US dollar.
4. Evaluation of the impact of US interest rate changes on Turkey’s economy, particularly focusing on exchange rate effects and international trade dynamics.
5. Factors influencing Turkey’s export value, considering the relationship between inflation and international price competitiveness between 2013 and 2014.
6. Assessment of how tight fiscal policy can address inflation and support macroeconomic stability, with a focus on Turkey’s medium-term program priorities.

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