Economics 9708/21 May June 2022 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Analyzing Bangladesh's inflation trends (2009–2019), sector-specific CPI impacts, and consequences of high inflation domestically and externally.
2. Explaining demand-pull and cost-push inflation effects using AD-AS diagrams, focusing on wage increases as a causative factor.
3. Comparing the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policies for inflation control, discussing their potential benefits and limitations.
4. Classifying merit goods as private rather than public goods, using examples, and evaluating the advantages of mixed economies over planned economies.
5. Examining factors influencing price elasticity of supply for manufactured products and assessing the tax incidence on producers versus consumers for taxed necessities.
6. Discussing fixed exchange rate challenges and comparing export subsidies with tariffs as protectionism tools, evaluating their effectiveness and trade implications.

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