Economics 9708/41 May June 2022 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Evaluating productivity differences among G7 countries, focusing on innovation, R&D, labor skills, and infrastructure investments.
2. Analyzing public goods, market failure, and the benefits and drawbacks of monopoly barriers to entry.
3. Comparing efficiency and profitability in perfect competition and monopolistic competition, with reference to long-run outcomes.
4. Examining trade union impacts on wages and evaluating the consequences of a national minimum wage for employees and employers.
5. Discussing export-led growth’s effects on living standards in developing economies using a circular flow diagram.
6. Exploring monetary policy transmission mechanisms and the roles of commercial banks in developed economies.
7. Comparing Keynesian and Monetarist perspectives on unemployment reduction, focusing on budget deficits versus supply-side policies.

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