Economics 9708/42 May June 2023 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
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1. Assessing the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on Pakistan and China, including economic growth, energy infrastructure, trade routes, and environmental effects.
2. Evaluating changes in the standard of living in Pakistan and China (2014–2018) through GDP per capita, unemployment rates, and Gini coefficients.
3. Exploring government policies to promote electric vehicles (EVs) using diagrams, focusing on climate change goals and externality reduction.
4. Analyzing market structure formation influenced by total market demand and minimum efficient scale, illustrated through diagrams.
5. Examining the role of exchange rate depreciation in fostering economic growth in low-income countries, alongside its limitations.
6. Evaluating the use of monetary policy to control inflation and its broader effects on achieving macroeconomic goals.

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