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Mathematics (9709) 1401/11/24

Paper 4 May/June 2004 MATHEMATICH (9709/4) A Levels

CIE AS & A Level Mathematics (9709) شهریور 2004
شامل مباحث: Paper 4: Mechanics
  تعداد سوالات: 7
  سطح دشواری: متوسط
  شروع: آزاد
  پایان: آزاد
  مدت پاسخگویی: 50 دقیقه

Paper 4 May/June 2004 MATHEMATICH (9709/4) A Levels
پیش نمایش صفحه اول فایل
نوع: Paper 3
ثبت شده در 24 بهمن 1401

The marks of the pupils in a certain class in a History examination are as follows.

28,  33,  55,  38,  42,  39,  27,  48,  51,  37,  57,  49,  33

The marks of the pupils in a Physics examination are summarised as follows.

Lower quartile: 28, Median: 39, Upper quartile: 67.

The lowest mark was 17 and the highest mark was 74.

a) Draw box-and-whisker plots in a single diagram on graph paper to illustrate…