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پربازدیدها: #{{ tag.title }}

جستجوهای پرتکرار

میتونی لایو بذاری!

On average, 1 in 2500 people have a particular gene.

a) Use a suitable approximation to find the probability that, in a random sample of 10000 people, more than 3 people have this gene.

b) The probability that, in a random sample of $n$ people, none of them has the gene is less than 0.01. Find the smallest possible value of $n$.

پاسخ تشریحی :
نمایش پاسخ

a) $Po\left( 4 \right)$

$1 - {e^{ - 4}}(1 + 4 + \frac{{{4^2}}}{{2!}} + \frac{{{4^3}}}{{3!}})$

$ = 1{\text{ }}-{\text{ }}0.43347..$

$ = 0.567$ or $0.566$

b) $\lambda  = {\raise0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle n$}\kern-0.1em/\kern-0.15em\lower0.25ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle {2500}$}}$

${e^{ - \frac{n}{{2500}}}} \lt 0.01$

$ - \frac{n}{{2500}} \lt ln{\text{ }}0.01$

$n \gt 11512.9 \ldots $

Smallest $n = 11513$

OR ${\left( {\frac{{2499}}{{2500}}} \right)^n}$

${\left( {\frac{{2499}}{{2500}}} \right)^n} \lt 0.01$

$n \times ln\left( {\frac{{2499}}{{2500}}} \right) \lt ln\,0.01$

$n \gt 11510.6 \ldots $

Smallest $n = 11511$

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