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جستجوهای پرتکرار

میتونی لایو بذاری!

The following cumulative frequency table shows the examination marks for 300 candidates in country $A$ and 300 candidates in country $B$.

a) Without drawing a graph, show that the median for country $B$ is higher than the median for country $A$.

b) Find the number of candidates in country $A$ who scored between 20 and 34 marks inclusive.

c) Calculate an estimate of the mean mark for candidates in country $A$.

پاسخ تشریحی :
نمایش پاسخ

a) $media{n_A} \lt 35$ or $20 \leqslant media{n_A} \lt 35$ or

$media{n_A} = 33.0/33.1/33.5/33.6$

or $media{n_B} \geqslant 50$ or $50 \leqslant media{n_B} \lt 70$ or

$media{n_B} = 51.7/51.9/52.2/52.4$

$media{n_B} \gt media{n_A}$

OR $A$ has $66$ cand ${\text{50 \lt }}$ mark ${\text{ \lt 100}}$, so $me{d_A} \lt 50$

or $B$ has $156$ cand ${\text{50 \lt }}$ mark ${\text{ \lt 100}}$, so $me{d_B} \gt 50$

$media{n_B} \gt media{n_A}$

b) $159 - 68 = 91$

c) $mean = \left( \begin{gathered}
  4.5 \times 25 + 14.5 \times 43 + 27 \times 91 \hfill \\
   + ... + 84.5 \times 40 \hfill \\ 
\end{gathered}  \right)/300$

$ = 11270/300 = 37.6$

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