Biology 9700/22 March 2024 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cell membrane structure and function, including the role of phospholipids, cholesterol, and transport mechanisms like facilitated diffusion and active transport.
2. Enzyme activity and inhibition, focusing on COX enzyme inhibition by aspirin, and its impact on prostaglandin production and inflammatory responses.
3. Comparative adaptations in camel and llama red blood cells and haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curves for survival in extreme environments.
4. Transport tissues in monocotyledons versus dicotyledons, highlighting the roles of xylem, phloem, and associated structures like plasmodesmata.
5. DNA structure, transcription, and translation, including the effects of gene mutations (substitution, deletion) on protein synthesis.
6. Mechanisms of HIV infection, the role of T-helper cells, and the use of monoclonal antibodies (anti-CCR5) for therapeutic intervention.

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