Biology 9700/52 May June 2024 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation comparing biodiversity in undergrowth of alien tree plantations (acacia, eucalyptus) versus indigenous tree plantations (sal, mango) using Simpson’s index of diversity.
2. Methodology includes belt transects, standardized environmental conditions, and seasonal data collection (April, July, November) to ensure reliability.
3. Root extract effect on plant growth explored using staghorn sumac on marigold plants, measuring root lengths under varying extract concentrations.
4. Diagnostic test for tumour classification based on nuclear diameter of benign versus malignant thyroid tumour cells, using two staining methods (Pap and H&E).
5. Statistical analysis of biodiversity data and tumour cell measurements using Simpson’s index, t-tests, and percentage change calculations for result interpretation.
6. Recommendations for procedural improvements to increase confidence and reduce potential biases in ecological and diagnostic investigations.

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