Global English Learner′s Book 9 , Lower Secondary Checkpoint | Free PDF
1. Cells and Organisms: Structure, function, and classification of plant and animal cells; specialized cells; tissues, organs, and systems; adaptations and environmental impact.
2. Forces and Energy: Motion, speed, and acceleration; Newton’s laws; mass, weight, and gravity; energy transformation and conservation; forces in different environments.
3. Earth and Space Science: Structure of the Earth; seismic waves; solar and lunar eclipses; formation of the Solar System; impact of human activity on Earth′s processes.
4. Matter and Chemical Reactions: Elements, compounds, and mixtures; properties of metals and non-metals; acids, bases, and pH scale; neutralization reactions; chemical indicators.
5. Electricity and Magnetism: Flow of electric current; measuring electrical power; conductors and insulators; adding or removing components in circuits; electromagnetic applications.
6. Microorganisms and Ecosystems: Characteristics and classification of microorganisms; food chains and food webs; ecological interactions; scientific applications in medicine and research.
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