Mathematics Learner′s Book 9 , Lower Secondary Checkpoint | Free PDF
1. Number and Calculation: Irrational numbers and standard form; indices and their applications; substituting into expressions; expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions.
2. Decimals, Percentages, and Rounding: Multiplying and dividing decimals; understanding compound percentages; estimating upper and lower bounds in calculations.
3. Shapes and Measurements: Circumference and area of a circle; areas of composite shapes; 3D measurements and surface areas; transformations, including enlargements and symmetry.
4. Graphs and Probability: Functions and plotting graphs; gradients and intercepts; mutually exclusive and independent events; probability experiments and chance calculations.
5. Ratio and Proportion: Direct and inverse proportion; scaling and real-life applications; interpreting and using proportional relationships in problem-solving.
6. Data Handling and Interpretation: Interpreting and drawing frequency diagrams; scatter graphs and trend analysis; statistical representations of grouped data; back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagrams.
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باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.