Accounting 9706/41 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Income and appropriation accounts for Akram, Bhupesh, and Chuck, reflecting partnership salaries, interest on capital, profit sharing, and guaranteed minimum residual profit for Chuck.
2. Partners' current accounts preparation to reflect drawings, capital contributions, and profit allocations.
3. Closure of partnership through takeover by EDC Ltd, accounting for cash, debenture, and share-based purchase consideration, with distribution in profit-sharing ratios.
4. Statement of cash flows for Costello plc, reconciling operating profit to net cash flow and analyzing inflows from financing and investing activities.
5. Net debt reconciliation for Costello plc, incorporating debenture redemption and cash balance changes.
6. Financial advice for Qadir Cricket Club, comparing net present value and payback periods for players Brad and Tanzeel, with detailed cash flow and cost of capital analysis.
7. Depreciation adjustments for non-current assets under straight-line and reducing balance methods, considering asset acquisitions and disposals.

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