Chemistry 9701,22 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Electronic Configuration and Isotopes | Vanadium′s electron configuration, isotopic composition of niobium and tantalum, and calculation of theoretical atomic mass of pelopium.
2. Reactions of Oxygen and Periodic Trends | Oxide formation with sodium and sulfur, oxidation states across Period 3, and acid-base behavior of oxides in water.
3. Chemical Properties of Group 16 Hydrides | Boiling point trends in H₂S to H₂Te, hydrogen bonding in H₂O, and reactions of nitriles and alcohols with water.
4. Nitrogen Chemistry and Acid Rain Formation | Natural and anthropogenic sources of NO₂, formation of PAN in smog, thermal decomposition of calcium nitrate, and oxidation-reduction in nitrate tests.
5. Ionization Energy and Bonding in Group 15 | Trends in ionization energies of phosphorus, bonding and electrical conductivity differences between nitrogen and phosphorus, and lattice structure of solid nitrogen.
6. Organic Chemistry of Bromoalkanes | Electrophilic addition mechanism in 1,2-dibromoethane formation, polymerization reactions, and isomerism in alkyl halides.
7. Infrared and Mass Spectrometry Analysis | Functional group identification in unknown compounds, interpretation of IR spectra, and reaction pathways leading to ester or carbonyl compounds.

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