Economics 9708,32 Oct Nov 2024 | Cambridge AS - A Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Consumer Behavior & Utility Theory | Understanding marginal utility, indifference curve preferences, and spending optimization.
2. Market Structures & Pricing Strategies | Analyzing monopoly pricing, price discrimination, predatory pricing, and firm behavior in different competitive environments.
3. Production & Costs | Long-run average cost curves, returns to scale, and the impact of cost changes on firm decisions.
4. Macroeconomic Indicators & Policy | Effects of unemployment, inflation, minimum wage policies, and economic growth on labor markets and government finances.
5. International Trade & Exchange Rates | Tariffs, balance of payments components, currency depreciation vs. devaluation, and foreign direct investment effects.
6. Income Distribution & Economic Equity | Lorenz curves, Gini coefficients, income inequality policies, and globalization′s impact on trade and living standards.

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