Science Workbook 3 , Primary Checkpoint | Free PDF
1. Plants are Living Things: Characteristics of living and non-living things, plant structures and their functions, role of light in plant growth, necessity of water and temperature for plant survival.
2. Mixing Materials: States of matter, methods of separating mixtures, process of dissolving substances, filtration techniques, extraction of materials from rocks.
3. Light and Shadows: Formation of shadows, factors influencing shadow changes, properties of transparent and translucent materials.
4. Staying Alive: Structure and function of human organs, classification of animals and their life cycles, food chain dynamics, importance and formation of fossils.
5. Forces and Magnets: Types of forces and measurement tools, influence of gravity, effects of friction, properties of magnets, magnetic materials and their uses.
6. The Earth and the Moon: Shape and structure of the Earth, Sun, and Moon, characteristics of the Moon, phases of the Moon and their cyclic changes.
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باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.