Chemistry 9701 Revision Guide , AS - A Level | Free PDF
AS & A Level
Chemistry (9701)
2. Physical Chemistry: Energy changes, redox reactions, equilibria, rates of reaction, lattice energy, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, entropy and Gibbs free energy
3. Inorganic Chemistry: Periodicity, Group 2 elements, Group 17 elements, nitrogen and sulfur, transition elements
4. Organic Chemistry: Introduction to organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, halogenoalkanes, alcohols, esters, carboxylic acids, carbonyl compounds, benzene and its compounds, carboxylic acid derivatives, organic nitrogen compounds, polymerisation
5. Analytical and Synthetic Chemistry: Analytical chemistry, organic synthesis
6. Advanced Concepts: Further aspects of equilibria, thermodynamics, reaction mechanisms, structure and bonding analysis
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Fundamental Chemistry: Moles and equations, atomic structure, electrons in atoms, chemical bonding, states of matter2. Physical Chemistry: Energy changes, redox reactions, equilibria, rates of reaction, lattice energy, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics, entropy and Gibbs free energy
3. Inorganic Chemistry: Periodicity, Group 2 elements, Group 17 elements, nitrogen and sulfur, transition elements
4. Organic Chemistry: Introduction to organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, halogenoalkanes, alcohols, esters, carboxylic acids, carbonyl compounds, benzene and its compounds, carboxylic acid derivatives, organic nitrogen compounds, polymerisation
5. Analytical and Synthetic Chemistry: Analytical chemistry, organic synthesis
6. Advanced Concepts: Further aspects of equilibria, thermodynamics, reaction mechanisms, structure and bonding analysis

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تعداد صفحات فایل : 262
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