Accounting 9706/32 Oct Nov 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Not-for-profit financial management: Differences between donations and member subscriptions, preparation of shop trading account for Sunshine Social Club, and strategies for improving shop performance.
2. Manufacturing account and profit analysis: Preparation of manufacturing account and income statement for Alpha Limited, calculation of expected annual profit under different production options, and advice on inventory management strategy.
3. Business acquisition and financial statements: Preparation of FLF Limited's statement of financial position post-acquisition, assessment of Husna's decision to sell the business with financial calculations, and consideration of alternative investment yields.
4. Audit and financial reporting: Duties of an auditor, explanation of a qualified audit report, necessary financial statement adjustments per IAS, and importance of auditors providing a true and fair view for shareholders.
5. Overhead costing and cost analysis: Identification of costing method focused on cost causation, calculation of overhead cost per unit, breakdown of overhead costs by category, and evaluation of the usefulness of detailed overhead analysis.
6. Cash budgeting and cash flow management: Differences between cash budget and cash flows, benefits of cash budgeting, preparation of trade receivables budget, calculation of necessary sales increase to eliminate cash deficit, and suggestions for improving cash flow.

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