Accounting 9706/12 Oct Nov 2017 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Revenue and capital expenditure: Classification of expenditure related to machinery installation, office redecoration, and purchase of motor vehicle components.
2. Depreciation and asset revaluation: Purpose of depreciation, calculation of revaluation reserve, and impact of depreciation methods on asset disposal losses.
3. Financial controls and sales ledger: Importance of sales ledger control accounts in fraud prevention, financial statement preparation, and doubtful debt identification.
4. Partnership changes and capital accounts: Calculation of capital account adjustments in response to changes in profit-sharing ratios, partner retirement, and goodwill valuation.
5. Cost behavior and break-even analysis: Calculation of break-even units, margin of safety, and identification of fixed, variable, and semi-variable costs in business operations.
6. Investment appraisal and profit maximization: Comparison of marginal costing versus absorption costing profits, calculation of overhead recovery, and evaluation of planning in business operations.

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