Chemistry 4CH1/1CR May Jun 2022 | Edexcel International GCSE Past Papers With Mark Scheme
International GCSE
Chemistry (4CH1)
2. Bonding and Chemical Reactions: Ionic and covalent bonding, dot-and-cross diagrams, balancing equations, displacement reactions, and exothermic vs. endothermic reactions.
3. Separation Techniques and Chemical Tests: Chromatography for food dyes, testing for chloride ions, verifying purity of water, fractional distillation of crude oil, and filtration methods.
4. Acids, Bases, and Neutralization: pH scale, acid-base titration, salt formation, solubility rules, reactions of acids with metals and carbonates, and identifying precipitates.
5. Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons: Cracking of alkanes, polymerization of chloroethene, addition vs. substitution reactions, environmental impact of plastics, and applications of hydrocarbons.
6. Reaction Rates and Energy Changes: Effect of catalysts, temperature, and concentration on reaction rates, enthalpy calculations, collision theory, and heat energy changes in chemical reactions.
معلم موافق رایگان بودن است.
1. Atomic Structure and Periodic Trends: Identifying atomic number, mass number, isotopes, electron configurations, periodic table classification, and properties of noble gases.2. Bonding and Chemical Reactions: Ionic and covalent bonding, dot-and-cross diagrams, balancing equations, displacement reactions, and exothermic vs. endothermic reactions.
3. Separation Techniques and Chemical Tests: Chromatography for food dyes, testing for chloride ions, verifying purity of water, fractional distillation of crude oil, and filtration methods.
4. Acids, Bases, and Neutralization: pH scale, acid-base titration, salt formation, solubility rules, reactions of acids with metals and carbonates, and identifying precipitates.
5. Organic Chemistry and Hydrocarbons: Cracking of alkanes, polymerization of chloroethene, addition vs. substitution reactions, environmental impact of plastics, and applications of hydrocarbons.
6. Reaction Rates and Energy Changes: Effect of catalysts, temperature, and concentration on reaction rates, enthalpy calculations, collision theory, and heat energy changes in chemical reactions.
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