Biology 9700/05 Oct Nov 2005 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Plasmolysis experiment: effects of distilled water and solutions A and B on red onion epidermal cells; observations of cell turgidity, cytoplasmic shrinkage, and recovery upon rehydration.
2. Microscopic examination: drawing of cells under different solutions, illustrating variation in plasmolysis severity due to osmotic conditions.
3. Comparison of cell responses: effects of isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions on cell appearance and content arrangement.
4. Mitotic stages: identification of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase in root tip cells using photomicrographs, with sequence determination.
5. Meiosis analysis: evidence of metaphase I in cell X from homologous chromosome alignment; comparison with mitotic cells in root tip sections.
6. Functional distinctions: meiosis vs. mitosis roles, explaining absence of meiosis-specific configurations like homologous chromosome pairing in somatic cell division.

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