Biology 9700/06 May June 2006 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Reflex action in the iris: pupil constriction in bright light via parasympathetic nervous system; assessment of alcohol effects through pupil response testing.
2. Colon structure and cholera impact: mucosal folding function in absorption, ion-induced osmotic water movement, and dehydration effects.
3. Lens aging effects: elasticity loss causing focusing difficulty, cataract-induced opacity reducing light passage, and surgical treatments for vision restoration.
4. Skeletal comparisons: thoracic vs. lumbar vertebrae differences in processes and weight support, osteoporosis consequences like vertebral compression reducing height.
5. Sewage treatment microbiology: serial dilution for bacterial count estimation, microbial roles in organic matter breakdown, and nitrate formation pathways.
6. Genetic engineering: golden rice development for vitamin A deficiency prevention, transgenic processes using daffodil and bacterial genes, and global distribution benefits.
7. Monoclonal antibodies: hybridoma production combining lymphocytes and cancer cells, applications in targeted drug delivery, and ELISA test for HIV.
8. Cystic fibrosis mutations: ΔF508 and R117H effects on ion transport, gel electrophoresis in genetic screening, and percentage chloride transport reduction analysis.
9. Anticoagulant resistance: warfarin impact on VKOR enzyme, structural amino acid changes conferring resistance, and clinical implications in humans and rodents.
10. Plant genetics: lethal allele combinations in Antirrhinum, gene linkage effects on crossing-over outcomes, and selective breeding for kumato tomato traits.

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