Biology 9700/04 Oct Nov 2006 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Energy values in carbohydrates versus lipids for ATP production; respiratory quotient variations in Siberian hamsters under temperature changes.
2. Genetic inheritance patterns of hair tip color in Australian Shepherd dogs; test crosses to determine genotype.
3. Osmoregulation processes in the kidney: renal fluid water potential changes in the loop of Henle.
4. Speciation in snapping shrimp populations due to geographic isolation by the Isthmus of Panama.
5. ABA-induced stomatal closure; transpiration rate reductions under low wind speeds.
6. Neuronal adaptations for rapid action potential transmission; sensory receptor mechanisms converting energy to action potentials.
7. Photosynthetic light energy conversion to ATP; oxidative phosphorylation processes in mitochondria.

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