Biology 9700/04 May June 2008 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Correlation between deforestation and population growth, emphasizing tropical rainforest biodiversity.
2. Pancreatic endocrine function via hormone secretion; genetically modified insulin benefits over animal-derived sources.
3. Wind and cross-pollination benefits in maize; genetic basis of structural differences between teosinte and maize.
4. Calcium ion roles in nerve transmission and sperm motility; comparative analysis of wild-type versus mutant sperm functionality.
5. Bioleaching for copper extraction; environmental concerns and economic benefits over conventional mining.
6. Red-green color blindness inheritance patterns, allele definitions, and genotype analysis within families.
7. Chlorophyll absorption and action spectra; photosynthetic pigment roles and green plant appearance.
8. Stabilizing and directional selection in herring populations under environmental pressures.
9. Oxidative phosphorylation and NAD roles in anaerobic respiration in plants and animals.
10. Endocrine versus nervous system roles in coordination; auxin-mediated apical dominance in plant shoots.

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