Biology 9700/11 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Identification and visibility of cellular organelles under light microscopy and functions of transcription-related organelles.
2. Tests and molecular features distinguishing macromolecules, including reducing sugars, proteins, and polysaccharides like cellulose and amylose.
3. Osmosis effects in plant tissues and direction of water movement based on sucrose solution gradients.
4. DNA replication mechanisms, including the semi-conservative model and functions of proteins like helicase and polymerase.
5. Structures of xylem and phloem in vascular plants and adaptations of xerophytic leaves for water conservation.
6. Valves and blood flow directions in mammalian hearts during different cardiac cycle stages.
7. Nicotine effects on cardiac disease risk and ventilation measurements in lung function tests.
8. Antibiotics' role in curing diseases like tuberculosis, malaria resurgence causes, and immune response mechanisms involving T and B lymphocytes.
9. Pyramid of energy structures in ecosystems, energy transfer efficiency, and effects of leguminous crops on nitrogen cycle bacteria populations.
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