Biology 9700/13 Oct Nov 2011 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Population ecology definition; food web elements including primary producers, consumers, and decomposers.
2. Comparative cell structures: prokaryotes and eukaryotes, typical dimensions, and organelle presence like ribosomes and cristae.
3. Enzyme activity impact on activation energy; allosteric and competitive inhibition effects on reaction rates.
4. Characteristics of alveoli and capillaries enhancing gas exchange; effects of tobacco on respiratory and cardiovascular health.
5. Active transport and osmoregulation in freshwater organisms, plant stomatal behavior under environmental stress, and cohesion-tension theory evidence.
6. Protein structure and bonding; DNA base-pairing role in replication accuracy; mutations affecting p53 gene linked to cancer development.
7. Meiosis vs. mitosis outcomes; gene coding for proteins like insulin or p53; DNA transcription to mRNA and subsequent translation to polypeptides.
8. Role of sieve tube elements and companion cells in phloem transport; environmental factors influencing stomatal closure in plants.
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