Biology 9700/51 Oct Nov 2011 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigating photosynthesis in unicellular algae using absorption and action spectra, standardizing variables like light intensity and oxygen measurement.
2. Utilizing two-way chromatography to separate photosynthetic pigments, explaining the role of multiple solvents in achieving better pigment separation.
3. Extracting photosynthetic pigments from algae and preparing chromatograms, detailing procedural steps for solvent application and pigment identification.
4. Identifying and comparing pigments in two strains of algae, linking differences in pigment composition to absorption spectra and light penetration in aquatic environments.
5. Analyzing genetic crosses in Drosophila melanogaster, examining inheritance patterns for body color and wing length through phenotypic ratios.
6. Applying chi-squared tests to genetic data, calculating expected and observed values, interpreting critical values, and assessing hypotheses on gene linkage.

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