Biology 9700/12 Oct Nov 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Characteristics and structural components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; roles of organelles like the nucleus and chloroplasts.
2. Glycosidic bond hydrolysis via acid heating; formation of sucrose from glucose and fructose condensation.
3. Structural levels of proteins influenced by amino acid substitutions; primary to quaternary structure changes.
4. Roles of enzymes in metabolism; reduction of activation energy and catalysis in hydrolysis reactions.
5. Water transport in plants through symplast and apoplast pathways; role of endodermal cells in selective ion uptake.
6. Transpiration rates influenced by light intensity, humidity, and temperature; sucrose transport benefits over glucose in phloem.
7. Bohr effect on hemoglobin oxygen affinity; physiological adjustments to high altitudes with increased red blood cell counts.
8. Immunological concepts of primary and secondary responses; effects of vaccinations and overcrowded living conditions on measles susceptibility.
9. Ecosystem disruptions due to species removal; nitrogen cycle stages like nitrification; correlation between GPP, NPP, and respiration.
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