Biology 9700/52 Oct Nov 2014 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of immobilized vs. free ethanol dehydrogenase activity, measuring methylene blue decolorization as an indicator of reaction rate.
2. Standard deviation interpretation for enzyme activity results, statistical significance analysis at \\( P < 0.05 \\), and appropriate experimental controls.
3. Radioactive \\( ^{32}\\)P tracing in plant feeding relationships, standardization of variables, and calculation of \\( ^{32}\\)P activity per biomass unit.
4. Evaluation of \\( ^{32}\\)P transport through trophic levels, DNA and ATP synthesis, and primary consumer feeding patterns from treated plants.
5. Suggestions to enhance the investigation of feeding relationships within ecological communities through comprehensive sampling and species-specific analyses.

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