Biology 9700/42 March 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Limiting factors in photosynthesis: effects of light intensity, temperature, and enzyme activity on photosynthetic rates.
2. Conservation challenges of black-footed ferrets, involving genetic diversity, habitat requirements, and predator-prey dynamics.
3. Population genetics: polymorphism levels, allele frequencies, and genetic drift effects in isolated or small populations.
4. Calcium ion-mediated muscle contraction processes, focusing on sarcomere shortening and cross-bridge cycling.
5. Gametogenesis differences in humans: continuous sperm production in males versus cyclic ovum production in females.
6. Komodo dragon parthenogenesis, genetic variability at loci, and implications for species adaptation in island habitats.
7. Homeostatic regulation of blood glucose levels by insulin and glucagon, enzyme activities post-glucose consumption.
8. Osmoregulation in Paramecium: ciliary movement linked to calcium ion flux, water balance, and contractile vacuole function.
9. Mitochondrial respiration: Krebs cycle location, oxidative phosphorylation, and effects of cyanide on ATP production.
10. Genetic crosses in snails, inheritance of shell color and banding, dominance relationships among alleles.

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