Biology 9700/11 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Cell organelles visible under a light microscope and relative sizes of cells like epithelial cells.
2. Properties of ribosomes in eukaryotic cells, locations of protein synthesis, and Visking tubing permeability.
3. Chemical tests for identifying biological molecules, such as Benedict's and Biuret tests.
4. Structural comparison of polysaccharides, including glycogen, cellulose, and amylopectin.
5. Induced fit mechanism of enzymes, competitive and non-competitive inhibition, and graphical analysis of enzyme kinetics.
6. Transport mechanisms in cell membranes, including osmosis, diffusion, and active transport.
7. Mitosis events, centrioles' roles, and protein involvement in regulating the cell cycle.
8. DNA structure: purines, pyrimidines, and codon translation in protein synthesis.
9. Pathways of water transport in plants, such as apoplast and symplast routes, and active sucrose loading evidence in phloem.
10. Cardiac cycle dynamics, oxygen dissociation curves for high-altitude animals, and gas exchange adaptations in the alveoli.
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