Biology 9700/41 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Comparing ATP and NAD structures, outlining roles in metabolic processes, and explaining differences in energy values of lipids and carbohydrates.
2. Investigating photosynthesis limitations by carbon dioxide and light intensity, analyzing data to interpret limiting factors and environmental conditions.
3. Exploring genome sequencing and bioinformatics applications to identify drug targets for malaria, focusing on resistance mechanisms and theoretical modeling benefits.
4. Enhancing crop traits through selective breeding and genetic modification, examining the implications of Bt crops and pest resistance trends.
5. Estimating species abundance and discussing ecological impacts of invasive species, emphasizing control methods and conservation strategies.
6. Analyzing genetic variations in model organisms, performing chi-squared tests for inheritance patterns, and deducing conclusions from statistical results.
7. Examining homeostasis mechanisms, hormonal regulation by insulin and adrenaline, and their influence on glucose metabolism.
8. Evaluating neuron structure-function relationships, the role of the myelin sheath, and the correlation between stimulus strength and action potential dynamics.

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