Biology 9700/42 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Structural and functional roles of ATP and coenzyme A in cellular respiration; biochemical pathways involving phosphorylated glucose and metabolic reactions.
2. Temperature effects on photosynthesis rates at varying light intensities; correlation between absorption and action spectra of chloroplast pigments, highlighting accessory pigment roles.
3. Genetic modification of Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes using I-PpoI restriction endonuclease for malaria control; impact on sex chromosome segregation and offspring dynamics.
4. Selective breeding and genetic modification in wheat crops for traits like herbicide resistance; ecological effects of glyphosate-resistant crops and weed species evolution.
5. Population estimation methods for urban raccoons; ecological impacts on biodiversity and health risks posed by invasive species like raccoons.
6. Inheritance patterns of feather color and pattern in chickens; genetic diagrams illustrating autosomal and sex-linked traits; genotype determination methods.
7. Formation of urea from amino acids via deamination; ultrafiltration and reabsorption processes in the nephron; roles of kidney structures in waste elimination.
8. Synaptic mechanisms involving neurotransmitter release, enzymatic degradation, and roles in neural communication; effects of acetylcholine-mimicking insecticides.

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