Chemistry 9701/05 May June 2002 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Titration and Calculation of Ion Concentration: Performing titrations to calculate the concentration of Fe²⁺ ions in a solution using potassium manganate(VII) and determining the volume of a substance (X) required to oxidize iron(II) ions.
2. Graphical Analysis: Plotting the volume of potassium manganate against the volume of the substance (X) added to determine the reaction volume, and calculating the necessary volumes for complete oxidation.
3. Decomposition of Caesium Nitrate: Planning the experimental setup to heat caesium nitrate, collect gases, and measure their volume, followed by calculations to identify the correct equation for the thermal decomposition of caesium nitrate.
4. Safety and Experimental Method: Considering safety precautions for working with toxic gases like nitrogen dioxide and detailing experimental methods for accurately determining the correct decomposition reaction based on collected data.

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