Chemistry 9701/43 Oct Nov 2010 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Reactions of oxides like phosphorus(V) oxide, sulfur(IV) oxide, and nitrogen dioxide with water, including disproportionation reactions leading to the formation of acids.
2. Combustion of a mixture of methane, ethane, and hydrogen sulfide, and the necessity of removing hydrogen sulfide from natural gas before industrial combustion.
3. Use of ethanolamine to remove hydrogen sulfide, mass calculations, and the reversal of the reaction to recover H₂S.
4. Explanation of the color and nature of transition metal complexes, and an exploration of copper salts with ammonia and water.
5. Copper recovery from ores, using titration to estimate Cu²+ concentration in a leach solution.
6. Organic reactions involving thymol, menthol, and menthone, and tests to identify each compound.
7. Reactions involving ethylbenzene, with a focus on halogenation and nitration steps, along with reagent identification.
8. Chlorine manufacturing through brine electrolysis, focusing on anode reactions, electrode potentials, and related calculations.
9. Production of sodium chlorate(V) by electrolysis, including current calculations and the overall ionic equation.
10. Synthesis and identification of compounds from ethene, along with reaction conditions, and the breakdown of polymers for digestion.

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