Chemistry 9701/32 May June 2012 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Rate of reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid, effect of reagent concentration, timing and reaction measurements for the rate determination.
2. Calculations involving molar quantities, thiosulfate consumption, and iodine reaction with sodium thiosulfate, concentration changes of iron(III) during the reaction.
3. Graphing rate against iron(III) concentration, interpretation of the relationship between rate and concentration from experimental results, error analysis.
4. Qualitative analysis of ions in various solutions, identification through precipitation and solubility tests, distinctions between cations and anions using specific reagents like NaOH and ammonia.
5. Reaction mechanisms for transition metal complexes, observations of color changes, and explanation of the types of reactions involved, such as ligand substitution.

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