Chemistry 9701/12 March 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Oxidation states and bonding in compounds, including molecular properties, dipole moments, and reaction mechanisms such as electrophilic addition, nucleophilic substitution, and decomposition.
2. Thermal stability and bond strength differences in halides, their decomposition, and chemical reactivity influenced by atomic properties and energy barriers.
3. Fertilizers' environmental impact, focusing on eutrophication, oxygen depletion, and algal bloom, with chemical solutions to mitigate excess nutrient runoff.
4. Polymerization processes, monomer structures, isomerism types (geometrical, positional, stereoisomerism), and identification through functional group transformations and spectroscopy.
5. Catalytic cycles in ozone layer depletion involving free radicals, mechanisms of action for chlorine atoms, and global environmental implications.
6. Energetics in equilibrium reactions, enthalpy calculations, activation energy effects, reversible reaction dynamics, and reaction rate dependencies on concentration and temperature.

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