Chemistry 9701/33 March 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Determination of enthalpy change (\\(\\Delta H\\)) for magnesium and hydrochloric acid reaction, temperature-time relationship, theoretical temperature rise, and calculations for heat energy and enthalpy values.
2. Concentration determination of hydrochloric acid through titration, sodium hydroxide reaction, and error analysis. Practical steps for precise titration results and calculation of excess reagents.
3. Qualitative analysis involving tests for cations and anions in solutions (FA5, FA6) with detailed observations of precipitates, solubility, and gas evolution tests. Identification of ions and their reactions with reagents.
4. Experimental setup for testing anions in solid (FA7) with appropriate reagents, observation recording, and analysis of oxidation states and reactions.
5. Practical improvements for increasing accuracy in enthalpy experiments, addressing systemic and procedural errors in chemical reactions.

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