Chemistry 9701/31 May June 2016 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Determination of a Group 2 metal carbonate using mass loss of CO₂ during reaction with HCl, stoichiometry, molar mass calculations, reaction errors.
2. Titration to determine HCl concentration using NaOH, volumetric analysis, dilution process, standardization, error reduction methods.
3. Qualitative analysis of salts, identification of cations and anions via precipitation reactions and solubility tests, use of specific reagents like BaCl₂, AgNO₃, and NH₃.
4. Organic liquid identification based on reactivity with acidified KMnO₄, distinguishing primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols, and aldehydes.
5. Error analysis in practical experiments, volume measurements, percentage error calculations, optimization of experimental methods.
6. Gas tests including identification of CO₂, NH₃, Cl₂, O₂, and H₂, using limewater, litmus paper, and splint tests.

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