Chemistry 9701/23 May June 2020 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Heating of barium in oxygen and calcium carbonate in two-step reactions to form calcium hydroxide and related reactions with gases.
2. Reactions of gallium with oxygen to form gallium oxide, and reactions with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, including oxidation state calculations.
3. Explanation of isotopic mass, bonding types in copper, and calculations related to the relative atomic mass of copper.
4. Use of titration with potassium iodide to determine the mass of copper(II) sulfate in hydrated copper(II) sulfate.
5. Organic chemistry reactions, including the formation of glucose and fructose from sucrose, and related catalytic effects on reaction rates.
6. Understanding chiral centers in fructose, empirical formulas, and enthalpy changes of combustion for sucrose reactions.
7. Reactions involving hexane with bromine in different conditions and understanding propagation steps in free radical mechanisms.
8. Identification and reaction types for alkenes and alcohols, including their reactions with potassium manganate(VII) and platinum catalysts.
9. Organic reactions involving functional groups and the identification of compounds using reagents like Na2CO3 and sodium metal.
10. Identifying and drawing structures of organic compounds and understanding functional groups and reactions involving alkali and iodine.

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