Chemistry 9701/35 Oct Nov 2021 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. Investigation of the decomposition of Group 1 carbonates, with calculations of CO2 produced, molar masses, and relative atomic mass of the element X present in the compound X2CO3.
2. Evaluation of whether the sample of X2CO3 decomposed completely, using results from heating and mass measurements.
3. Procedure for titrating a Group 1 hydroxide solution with sulfuric acid, including calculations of moles of sulfuric acid, concentration of ZOH, and identification of the element Z.
4. Determination of the percentage difference in relative atomic mass and the effect of temperature on the rate constant (k) for reactions involving calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.
5. Setup of apparatus for gas collection and titration, including troubleshooting for anomalies, and suggestions for improving experimental reliability.

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