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جستجوهای پرتکرار

میتونی لایو بذاری!

The marks of the pupils in a certain class in a History examination are as follows.

28,  33,  55,  38,  42,  39,  27,  48,  51,  37,  57,  49,  33

The marks of the pupils in a Physics examination are summarised as follows.

Lower quartile: 28, Median: 39, Upper quartile: 67.

The lowest mark was 17 and the highest mark was 74.

a) Draw box-and-whisker plots in a single diagram on graph paper to illustrate the marks for History and Physics.

b) State one difference, which can be seen from the diagram, between the marks for History and Physics.

پاسخ تشریحی :
نمایش پاسخ

a) History: lowest 27, highest 57, LQ = 33

med = 39 UQ = 50

b) Physics marks are more spread out than

History marks

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