Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Workbook
This Workbook has been written to help you develop the skills you need to succeed in your Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry course (9701). The exercises in this Workbook will provide opportunities for you to practise the following skills:
* understand the scientific phenomena and theories that you are studying
* solve numerical and other problems
* think critically about experimental techniques and data
* make predictions and use scientific reasons to support your predictions.
This book is in four parts:
* Chapters 1–18 (AS Level content, covered in the first year of the course).
* Chapters 19–30 (A Level content)
* Chapter P1 and P2 dedicated to the development of practical skills and developing your ability to plan, analyse and evaluate practical investigations
* Appendices including a Periodic Table and selected standard electrode potentials.
The exercises are designed to help you develop your knowledge, skills and understanding and topics
covered in the Coursebook. (The Workbook does not cover all topics in the Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry syllabus (9701)). An introduction at the start of each exercise tells you which skills you will be working with as you answer the questions. The exercises are arranged in the same order as the chapters in your Coursebook. At the end of each chapter a set of exam-style questions are provided to further support the skills you have practised in that chapter. They also provide a valuable opportunity to become familiar with the type of assessment you are likely to meet in your exams.
We hope that this book not only supports you to succeed in your future studies and career, but will also stimulate your interest and your curiosity in chemistry.
باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.

باز نشر محتواها در فضای مجازی، ممنوع است.