Biology 9700/06 Oct Nov 2002 | Cambridge AS Level Past Papers With Mark Scheme
1. African elephant adaptations: large limbs supporting body mass, structural differences with aquatic dugongs for habitat-specific functions.
2. Sustainable wildlife management: human-elephant population inverse correlation, CAMPFIRE scheme for balancing hunting and conservation, and data-driven population control.
3. Orchid features: monocotyledon traits like parallel veins and fibrous root systems; vascular bundle positioning linked to structural and transport roles.
4. Kefir production: lactose fermentation by yeast, pH changes due to bacterial activity, and microbial encapsulation forming "grains" for fermentation separation.
5. Tissue culture in agriculture: sterile propagation of orchids; cytokinin concentration impacts on shoot-root balance and nutrient media roles for growth.
6. Antibiotic resistance: gene mutations conferring resistance; interspecies similarity in resistance to structurally similar antibiotics C and D, highlighting evolutionary conservation.

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